Good day to you, and welcome! My name is Nikolai van Nunen.
A freelance dop based in Amsterdam. And associated member of the NSC, Netherlands society of Cinematographers.
Roaming around documentaries, commercials, fiction and branded content.
I love everything about filmmaking. From working with a passionate crew to the very technical side of things.

Translating the story through visuals and finding the perfect light, daylight or artificial light, are for me important skills to practice as a cinematographer. Humble to the story and working along side the director’s vision.
I always try to find ways to motivate the camera movement, to emphasize hidden subtext or layers within the story.
There’s always something personal to my work. I really enjoy making the visuals as true and intimate as possible.

Anyway, it was nice talking to you. Have a good one, and lets grab a coffee one day!